This vintage real photo postcard features a pop-up barbershop tent in a camp of World War1 era soldiers. The caption on this photograph states “Camp Barber”. The close-up view of the shop is very interesting. There are two adult barbers giving haircuts and a child barber giving a soldier a shave. I wonder how many men reading this would trust a child, who appears to be about 12 years-old, to give them a shave. Check out the barber’s supplies. They can be seen on the table. Note the calendar and the sign advertising sun lotion for sale. There is another sign over the entrance of the tent which advertises the name of the barbershop. Unfortunately, I can not decipher the shop’s name from the letters that are visible. Notice that there is a man sitting near the table drinking a bottle of alcohol. Lets hope he is not drinking a bottle of hair tonic. Another soldier is examining a bottle of “something”. This postcard was published by Valentines as part of the XL series. The Valentine and Sons printing company was founded in Dundee, Scotland in 1851. The founder was James Valentine (1815-1879). The company became the leading manufacturer of picture postcards in Scotland. After James died, his two sons operated the business. The company was purchased by John Waddington Limited in 1963, In 1980, the Valentine business was bought by Hallmark Cards. In 1994, the company ceased operations. The card was printed in Great Britain and has an affixed British postage stamp. The postcard is addressed to someone in Landes, France. This card was postmarked in Crieff, a Scottish market town. This postcard is in very good condition (see scans)

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