

The three girls featured in this vintage photograph are extremely adorable. Whoever dressed the girls for their sitting at the photographer, presumably their mother, outfitted them in very cute clothing. The photographer of this image was Chapman Brothers studio in Stanton, Michigan. Ira O. Chapman (1853-1908) and E. Frank Chapman (1858-1916) were brothers who operated as photographers in Stanton, Michigan. It is unclear which brother is the creator of this cabinet card. At one point in time, the pair conducted business in Stanton as “Chapman Brothers” studio. A portrait of a group of members of the Grand Army of the Republic that was done by the photographer brothers, appears in the Flat River Museum in Greenville, Michigan. The “Directory of Early Michigan Photographers” indicates that Isaac was in business from 1876 through 1877 operating a photo studio known as Jennings & Chapman. He remained in the photography studio trade until at least 1895. He was born in New York. For a time he was the printer and proprietor of  “The Stanton Hornet” which was an independent daily newspaper. His photo business was taken over by E. Frank Chapman who conducted business in Stanton between 1896 and 1915. E Frank Chapman’s son, Vern (born in 1892) operated a photo studio in Lake Odessa, Michigan sometime around 1914.