
This cabinet card portrait features a handsome French soldier in uniform.  He appears to be an officer judging by the braids on his shoulder but I am uncertain of his rank. The photographer of this image is Eugene de Paris. Interestingly, Eugene was not actually located in Paris but instead operated his studio in Toulon, a city in southern France. Advertising on the reverse of the cabinet card indicates that Eugene de Paris won photography medals at the Exposition of 1873. This exposition was likely the World Exposition which was held in Vienna in 1873.  SOLD

Published in: on December 21, 2014 at 6:00 pm  Comments (6)  
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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Not only is the soldier smart and tactful in dress, also, the beard is really great!

  2. Is it my macro-challenged eyes … or are there anchors represented on his buttons? Handsome fellow, either way.

    • Your eyes may be challenged but I think you have eagle eyes. Thanks for spotting the anchor on the soldier/sailor’s buttons. With eyes like yours a commodore would have been smart to place you in the crow’s nest looking for enemy ships or land.

  3. That beard is groomed within an inch of its life—he musta used a ruler to get that bottom edge so straight and even!

  4. Yes, those are anchors—but why fringe on one epaulet and not the other ?

  5. “Why fringe on one epaulet and not the other?” –I think it has to do with his rank. In those days, the epaulets were worn on either the right shoulder, or the left shoulder, or both, depending on the officer’s rank. The one on this officer’s right shoulder, without the fringe, was known as a “counter epaulette” — but I haven’t dug deeply enough into French military history to determine this man’s rank. It’s definite, though that he was entitled to wear only one fringed epaulet. I’m sure some other follower of this wonderful site will have greater knowledge and provide the answer.

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