The beautiful actress pictured in these two real photo postcards is Nancy Carroll (1903-1965). Miss Carroll’s parents were Irish and she was born and raised in New York City. She left school at age sixteen to work as a stenographer for a lace manufacturing company. She and her sister participated in an amateur talent show. They performed a dance routine. She must have caught the acting bug because after this performance, she began pursuing a stage and screen career. She began her acting career in Broadway musicals. The IDBD lists Nancy Carroll as appearing in five Broadway productions between 1923 and 1948. Her musical background made her a successful “talkies” actress. She performed in movie musical in the 1930’s. Her movie debut was in “Ladies Must Dress” (1927). It seem 1928 was a busy year for Nancy Carroll. During that year she made eight films and one of them, “Easy Come, Easy Go” propelled her to stardom. Her costars over her career included George Bancroft, Cary Grant, and Randolph Scott. Carroll was under contract to Paramount Pictures and their relationship was stormy. She often refused roles the studio offered her and her reputation became damaged. She was seen as stubborn and uncooperative. Carroll was successful in light comedies, melodramas, and musicals and appreciated by critics and fans. In fact, during the early 1930’s she received more fan mail than any other star. Despite all these positives, Paramount released her from her contract. In the mid 1930’s she joined Columbia Pictures stable of performers but made four not very successful films and became a film actress no longer in demand. In 1938 she retired from films and returned to stage and starred in an early television series in 1950. She died of an aneurysm in 1965.                                                                           

 Postcard 1 was published by Ross Verlag (c.late 1920’s) as part of the luxus klasse (luxory class) series. It bears the logo of Paramount Pictures which indicates that the photograph was taken during Carroll’s stint with that studio. The postcard is part of a series (no.535). (SOLD).

Postcard 2 bears the logo of Paramount Pictures which indicates that this photograph was taken during Carroll’s stint with that studio. The postcard is part of a series (no.5395/3).     SOLD

Nancy Carroll in a scene from the 1930 pre-code film “The Best Of Life” (1930)

Postcard 2 (SOLD)


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